
"Creation of a youth technology center for inventive creativity and engineering education"

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Olmachi St. 17
Tashkent city, Uzbekistan
+998 (77) 088 39 77 (ru/uz)
+998 (77) 088 49 77 (ru/en)

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Education is the most important development priority and a key area of the state policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


• The number of young people under 16 is 10.7 million, which makes up 31% of the total population.

• Youth under 30 represent more than 60% of the population.

• At the same time, half of them are women.

• Uzbekistan has an almost equal ratio of men (49.7%) and women (50.3%).

• Majority of young people study in schools and higher educational institutions of the Republic.


Education is a development priority and key direction

Education is the most important development priority and a key area of the state policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Modernisation of domestic engineering education.

In modern conditions of world technolo􀁌ical development, the future of the country, its technolo􀁌ical development and the competitiveness of the economy depend on modernisation of domestic en􀁌ineerin􀁌 education, formation of inventive thinkin􀁌. 􀀦nd more importantly, on foundation of an e􀁌alitarian community that can continually contribute to our society as a whole.

Gender imbalance in engineering and invention

• Women in the Republic take part in engineering activities.

• However, and unfortunately, their contribution in this direction is insignificant, and their efforts are not fully recognized.

• Similarly in the field of inventive creativity, women’s work is almost not represented.

Gender equality in the republic of Uzbekistan

• Women represent 32% of the national parliament, and according to this indicator, the country ranks 37th out of 190 countries.

• The proportion of women in political parties reached 44%, in higher education – 40 %, in entrepreneurship – 35 %.

• Women are widely attracted to various sectors of the economy.

• In May 2021, the Strategy for achieving gender equality in Uzbekistan until 2030 was approved.

• Also, various initiatives are being implemented to involve women in the country’s economy.

Changes in public psychology

American researchers – psychologist Amram and doctor Morgan (1980, 1984) argued that the word “inventor” should become “neutral” and cease to be associated only with a man. This requires a change in the public mind: once women can see themselves as potential inventors, they will be able to invent even more.

Professional engineering training model

• Engineering and inventive thinking should be formed from kindergarten and from school, regardless of whether one is a woman or a man.

• Currently, in technologically developed countries of the world, various programs have been developed for different levels of education, from preschool to university and further to workplace.

Ensuring continuity and succession of "School-University" education

Propaedeutics of the implementation of the World Initiative CDIO (Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate) standards at school.

Used in the world practice of pre-engineering (school) and science education, such as the US National Education Corporation Project Lead The Way (PLTW).

High technologies is a way to form engineering and inventive thinking

• High technologies provide the basis for the formation of a new type of engineering and inventive thinking, which makes it possible to train highly qualified female and male specialists for the Industry 4.0.

• Potential of such technologies to shape engineering thinking provides for necessary skills for the digital economy.